Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fun with Duplo

Germany has these great kinder flohmarkts (flea markets), think group swap meet or garage sale. I happened across this nifty little used Duplo castle set. It was missing most of the people, so we had to improvise a bit. We used other Duplo pieces we had (a zoo set) so that the castle was inhabited by animals and the zoo keeper was helping to defend the castle. We also brought out some non-Duplo toys (dinosaurs and cheap McDonald's toys) to attack the castle. Things started to get a bit out of hand when we found the catapult that came with the castle and began launching dinosaurs and people at the castle. But, boy was it fun!

Gerrit proudly showing off his castle,
defended by zoo keeper and animals.

Crazy Monkey, Ninja, and Dinosaurs
(carrying our sole knight) in attack formation.

Gerrit decided the dinosaurs needed to
launch a rocket/missile into the castle.

Here, we begin the catapult trials. Notice flying baby dinosaur.

This time baby dinosaur actually made it to the castle.

The fire engine AND Shaun the Sheep arrive
to fight off dinosaurs and save the day.

Video of us starting to launch anything and everything at the castle.


At May 25, 2009 at 7:27 AM , Blogger lvanbelle said...

Don't worry, Stephanie. You'll have your revenge and be able to say "thanks dad" when Gerard shows the boys all about model rockets...


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